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Haitian Immigration
Web Links

Haitian Times

Online version of a newspaper covering the Haitian community in the United States

Haitians In America

A site created by the Trinity College Haiti Program providing information and analysis on Haitian political, economic and social issues, especially those affecting Haitian-Americans.

Voices of New York Series - Haiti

In the Fall of 2001, the New York University Morse Academic Plan (MAP) course, The Language of America's Ethnic Minorities, undertook a project to hear the voices of real and imagined immigrant communities, and learn about the people behind them.

Haiti in Turmoil

From Haiti's roots of revolution to its contemporary struggle, this news feature includes articles, timelines, a photo gallery and profiles on a Canadian Broadcasting website.

Haitian-Americans for Human Rights

Press releases and links to others about the rights and protests of Haitian-Americans. This page focuses on a campaign to stop the production of a video game that includes violent slurs against Haitians.

Heritage Konpa Magazine

Site for Haitian and Haitian-American news, culture, and entertainment.


Site devoted to democracy in Haiti with a collection of various newspaper articles, editorials, essays, photos and community resources. Features photos used on the In Motion site of Haitian refugees.

Immigrants and Politics

Florida International University's Immigration and Ethnicity Institute/ Center For Labor Research and Studies conducted this report. Various focus groups were interviewed to identify the factors of the lack of involvement by Haitian Americans in community affairs and political action.

All Haiti

This page is a portal that offers links to an immense varity of sites on politics, economy, music, arts, migration, literature, and many other topics.

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