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The Domestic Slave Trade
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Lesson Plans For The Domestic Slave Trade
The Deadly Equilibrium Lesson Plan
Grade levels: High school, grades 9-12
Concentration area: Social Studies : Economics
This lesson is designed as a cumulative activity following students' reading the narrative The Domestic Slave Trade and studying the Dred Scott decision, as well as exploring the expansion of slavery into the western territories in the years before the Civil War. The lesson also has adaptations for use with the narrative Runaway Journeys. The domestic slave trade simultaneously relieved an over-supply of slaves in Maryland and Virginia and the excess demand for slaves in the Deep South. Students will determine if the economic model of slavery in the United States could or could not survive without expansion of slavery to the western territories.
Images of Slavery Lesson Plan
Grade levels: Middle school, grades 6-8
Concentration area: History
The narrative, The Domestic Slave Trade, in particular the segments "Modes of Transportation" and "Victims of the Trade," paints vivid word pictures of the traumas of the domestic slave trade. This lesson should be used with or as a follow-up to reading the narrative. The lesson is designed so that students locate, look at, and compare visual depictions of slavery with written accounts. They will compare artists' conceptions (prints, book illustrations, paintings, and newspaper depictions) with early photographic images of slavery.
In Our Backyards Lesson Plan: Slave Trading and Small Towns
Grade levels: Middle school, grades 6-8
Concentration area: Geography
The narrative The Domestic Slave Trade and lesson plan "In Our Backyards" counter the common misconception that all slaves were auctioned in large seaports and river towns. In conjunction with reading the narrative, students will examine maps to identify the small communities visited by slave traders in Mississippi and Alabama in the mid-1840s and to calculate the distance traveled by slave coffles.
Raw History Lesson Plan: Using Primary Sources
Grade levels: Middle school, grades 6-8
Concentration area: History
The narrative Domestic Slave Trade refers to a tremendous number of primary sources, especially in the segments "Exporters and Importers," " Slave Traders," and "National Debate." Likewise, the narrative Runaway Journeys also uses many primary sources, especially the sections, "Peaks of Migration," "Profile of the Fugitives," "Maroon Communities," and "Going West and South." In this lesson, students examine primary sources, the ingredients from which history is written, by analyzing primary sources, identifying collections of primary sources, recognizing accessibility and legibility problems, and considering limitations, reliability issues, bias, and prejudice in documents.
Three Coffles Lesson Plan
Grade levels: Middle school, grades 6-8
Concentration area: History, Language Arts
This lesson examines the history of enslaved men, women, and children who were chained or tied together and marched across the U.S. countryside from market to market until they were sold. The "Modes of Transportation," "Victims of the Trade," and "End of Domestic Slave Trade" segments of the narrative, The Domestic Slave Trade, describe three coffles over a broad geographic range and over time. Students will read about three coffles to create three expressive pieces of writing (all in the same format) to form a "triptych" of emotions of the enslaved.
Graphing and Demography Lesson Plan: The Domestic Slave Trade
Grade levels: High school, grades 9-12
Concentration area: History, Social Studies : Economics
The lesson Graphing and Demography—The Domestic Slave Trade focuses on the narrative The Domestic Slave Trade. It combines history and math skills to assist visual learners to understand the demographics of the domestic slave trade within the United States. Students will create graphs or charts based on the data in the narrative either by hand or by using Excel or a similar database program. The graphs would serve as a basis for comparing and contrasting age groups and sex as factors in the domestic trade and would provide a basis for further research to compare sales data for African slaves with "seasoned" American-born slaves, urban-rural patterns, and occupational incidence.
The Domestic Slave Trade Lesson Plan
Grade levels: Middle and high school, grades 6-12
Concentration area: History : U.S. Government
This lesson is designed for students to learn more about the domestic slave trade. Students will investigate the true account of an enslaved person and journal on that person's life. Appropriate for middle school and high school students, the lesson's goal is to allow the student a well-rounded study of this forced migration.
Selective Memory Lesson Plan: Whitewashing the History of the South
Grade levels: Middle and high school, grades 8-12
Concentration area: History
The Domestic Slave Trade narrative states that "...the Trade has always posed problems for those seeking to portray slavery as a benign and paternal institution...." In the early part of the twentieth century, many Americans tried to minimize slavery. Does society today still do this? Students will research online a variety of different plantation museums across the South to ascertain how realistically, if at all, slavery is portrayed.
Mapping the Domestic Slave Trade
Grade levels: Middle school, grades 6–8
Concentration area: Geography
The website includes many maps among its resource materials. The lesson, Mapping the Domestic Slave Trade, is designed to help students develop their analytical skills when examining historical maps by focusing on Map 5, The Domestic Slave Trade 1820–1829 (which compliments the narrative The Domestic Slave Trade.) Students will learn to examine a map for data which supports textual information about the Constitution, Congressional legislation, and the historic U.S. economy. Students will focus on data in the maps to determine whether the 1808 Slave Importation clause of the Constitution, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the Missouri Compromise, and the 1793 invention of the cotton gin had an impact of the migration of African-Americans between 1790 and 1829.
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